To be whole is to be healthy..How to come to this tuning with the whole? Why are you missing it ?..OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

To be whole is to be healthy..How to come to this tuning with the whole? Why are you missing it ?..


Whenever your heart falls out of line with the whole you are in trouble, you are ill.


Whenever the heart is in rhythm with the whole you are healthy.


Let this be the definition of health. Whenever there is no conflict between you and the whole, not even a rumor of conflict, you are healthy.


To be whole is to be healthy.


To be whole is to be holy. And what is the way to be holy, healthy, whole? Your heart should beat in the same rhythm as the heart of the whole. You should not fall out of line, out of step. It is a great cosmic dance. It is a great harmony. When you sit still, silent, not doing anything, meditative, prayerful, suddenly you start merging into the whole. You come closer and closer and closer and your steps are no longer heard as separate from the whole. You become part of this great symphony. Suddenly you are healthy, holy, whole.


How to come to this tuning with the whole? Why are you missing it?


You are constantly in discord, you have many contradictions within you. Those contradictions go on like a tug of war within continuously, day and night, awake and asleep. You are constantly pulled into opposite directions. This tense state of affairs does not allow you to listen.


Even when you are in love you go on fighting. Even in love, you don't fall into step with the whole. Even lovers go on fighting with each other; otherwise love can become a door to the ancient music. Hence Jesus says that God is Love.


If you love somebody at least drop all conflict with him, or with her, with your child, with your wife, with your brother, friend, with your Master — drop! But even there conflict continues; a subtle way of fight continues. Because you are constantly in conflict within yourself, whatsoever you do is going to be an extension of the same conflict, a reflection of the same disharmony. This is making you incapable of listening.


