Whenever you feel you are being used, you feel offended. And you SHOULD feel offended, because it is a crime to use somebody and it is a crime to allow somebody to use you.
It is a crime against God.
If I love you, what is the proof ?
For poetry there is no proof, for chemistry there is. But poetry exists.
And a world without chemistry would not be very much worse, but a world without poetry would not be a human world at all. Poetry brings meaning to life, the unproved brings meaning to life — the proved at the most makes you comfortable.
God is not an object and cannot be proved. God is more like music.
It exists, certainly it exists, but there is no way to grab it.
You cannot have it in your fist, you cannot lock it into your treasury, there is no way.
Love exists but you cannot possess it.
If you try to possess it, you belong to the objective dimension and you are killing love — that's why possession is destructive. If you possess a woman, if you say, 'She is my wife and I possess her' then she is no longer a person. You have reduced her to be a thing and she will never be able to forgive you. No wife has ever been able to forgive her husband; no husband. has ever been able to forgive his wife — because both have reduced each other to things. A husband is a thing, a wife is a thing, and when you become a thing you become ugly — you lose freedom, you lose inwardness, you lose poetry, you lose romance, you lose meaning. You become simply a thing in the world of things. Utility is there — but who lives for utility? Utility can never be satisfying.
You are being used, how can it be satisfying? Whenever you feel you are being used, you feel offended. And you SHOULD feel offended, because it is a crime to use somebody and it is a crime to allow somebody to use you. It is a crime against God.
But there are people who try to use God also. When you go and you pray for something you are trying to use God. You don't know what prayer is, you don't know what love is, you don't know what poetry is, you don't know the subjective realm at all. Your prayer, if it has a motivation in it, a desire in it, is ugly.
But we find — we are very cunning people — we find ways and means.